
赵成珠,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年获日本京都大学药学博士学位。2016~2021年在京都大学iPS细胞研究所从事博士后研究工作,主要从事利用诱导型多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPSC)技术进行罕见病的模型构建和高通量药物筛选,以及细胞治疗相关的研究。在日本期间作为负责人承担了多项日本国家科研基金项目(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (B) (2017-2018);Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (2019-2020); Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2021-),研究成果发表在Stem Cell ReportsScience signaling等国际期刊。




2. iPSC-神经嵴/中胚层-间充质干细胞的定向诱导分化和在再生医疗中的应用


1. Nakajima T, Nakahata A, Yamada N, Yoshizawa K, Kato TM, Iwasaki M,Zhao C, Hiroshi Kuroki, Ikeya M*.Grafting of iPS cell-derived tenocytes promotes motor function recovery after Achilles tendon rupture.Nat Commun. Aug 18 2021;12(1):5012. Epub 2021/08/20.

2. Mitsuzawa S#,Zhao C#, Ikeguchi R, Aoyama T, Kamiya D, Ando M, Takeuchi H, Akieda S, Nakayama K, Matsuda S, Ikeya M*. Pro-angiogenic scaffold-free Bio three-dimensional conduit developed from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells promotes peripheral nerve regeneration.Sci Rep. Jul 21 2020;10(1):12034. Epub 2020/07/23.

3. Hino K#,Zhao C#, Horigome K, Nishio M, Okanishi Y, Nagata S, Komura S, Yamada Y, Toguchida J, Ohta A, Ikeya M*. An mTOR Signaling Modulator Suppressed Heterotopic Ossification of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Stem Cell Reports. 2018;11(5):1106-19.

4.Zhao C, Ikeya M*. Generation and Applications of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.Stem Cells Int.2018;2018:9601623. Epub 2018/08/30.

5.Zhao C, Ichimura A, Qian N, Iida T, Yamazaki D, Noma N, Asagiri M, Yamamoto K, Komazaki S, Sato C, Aoyama F, Sawaguchi A, Kakizawa S, Nichi M, Takeshima H*. Mice lacking the intracellular cation channel TRIC-B have compromised collagen production and impaired bone mineralization.Sci Signal. May 17 2016;9(428):ra49. Epub 2016/05/18.